
As part of my Interactive Professional Context module I have to complete a ten day industry placement. At first I wanted to get somewhere closer to my hometown to avoid travel costs. After a few attempts of getting placement in the town I decided that the Socialist Party NI would be a better opportunity for me.

This is partly due to my work this semester which has been very Marxist influenced. For my Transmedia project we are making an adaption of Animal Farm that we are calling 'The Collective Farm'. 

I've also made a couple of poster designs for the Socialist Society, the one I'm most proud I intend to use at the next Freshers' Fayre.

I would also like to work with the comrades in the party from a political standpoint as I think that it is a very good opportunity to learn first hand from campaigners, some of which I've worked with before. 

Overall I think that working with Sean Burns and the other comrades will be a very good political experience as I will get to see first hand how campaigns are organised.
