Transmedia platforms

This is just a quick blog post to make note of some of the platforms I hope to utilise. The first is a podcast, although I think that a video podcast would work as well. Although my rabbit hole for the viewer would be propaganda images posted to Instagram. Originally I was going to use posters, but as we live in a digital world I believe that Instagram would be a better option. As I said before these images would be propaganda. I feel that propaganda images would be appropriate as Animal Farm is based on the Stalinist government led by Stalin.

As my idea is to build an educational tool, I think that a Subreddit should also be utilised. This Subreddit would be a place where I could post educational material for the Russian Revolution. Also the Subreddit would give the audience a place to interact with one another.

Just because I would prefer to utilise Instagram over posters doesn't mean I wouldn't want to use posters. Although I think that the Instagram posts would be more important, I think that posters could also take a place in the overall narrative.

On each of the posters I would like to add a QR code. This would be linked to the Subreddit and specifically a post on the Subreddit that would explain the context of the poster. To elaborate, I would like each poster to tell some type of story. So each poster would further the narrative. This idea came from the pictures of the Stalinist era that were changed and manipulated. For example when Stalin had manipulated the images of him and Trotsky, so as Trotsky was removed from the image. I would like to feature the characters Napoleon and Snowball together, until suddenly Snowball never features in the posters. This would also be my idea for the Instagram posts, although these would be linked directly towards the podcast/ video cast.
