Story idea

This is a quick post to take note of an idea I have for my Narrative and Interactive Media module.

The Idea

My idea is to present a story that would be told through news articles on a website of a news corporations website. The story that is being told would be about the worlds only superhuman. I still haven't come up with the name of the superhero, but he would essentially be based on DC's Superman.

I would like to show the story of a superhero that is seen as invincible, but through the articles, we find out that he isn't all that invincible. Instead, the audience would read the story of the superhero from the point of view of that hero. Essentially the audience would find out the hardships of that superhero through these stories. The audience would experience stories that they wouldn't find out through any other source.

I still haven't fleshed out the idea yet, I will post more about this idea when I have thought through the story more.
