The typeface I used is called Western Bang Bang. It was a free typeface I got from the site dafont.com. Although Logan, the movie that the quote is from is a superhero movie, I thought that the typeface was a good choice as the movie has a western theme to it.
I chose the colour scheme by uploading an image of the movie poster to Adobe Color. This service showed me the five most common colours in the poster, as well as the five that complemented each other the most.
After I chose the colour scheme for the piece, I chose the orange shade and made a flat background. Once I did this I used one of the sponge brush tools and went over the top of the bottom layer. This gave the light on dark effect.
After this I created a rectangle and coloured it a red/ dark orange colour. I positioned this at the bottom of the canvas in order to give a landscape feel. In order to reenforce this landscape feel, I used the dune grass brush tool. This gave me an effect that looked somewhat like terrain.
Dafont.com. (2017). Western Bang Bang Font | dafont.com. [online] Available at: https://www.dafont.com/western-bang-bang.font [Accessed 1 Mar. 2018].
Logan. (2017). [DVD] Directed by J. Mangold. Hollywood: 20th Century Fox.
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